Thursday 18 March 2010


I have a reputation when it comes to baking. A bad one. Even following the recipe precisely my cakes come out flat, my cookies hard, and my puddings too dry. So today I'm going to try baking shortbread. Only three ingredients and you're not supposed to touch it too much. They can't be that difficult, right?


To inspire me, I found some pretty cake pictures on weheartit


Tuesday 9 March 2010

International Women's Day

Yesterday was International Women's Day. The Million Women Rise, a march to end male violence against women, was held on Saturday the 6th. Lots of events were being held through Nottingham City, and it's amazing to see what people have being doing across the world to highlight women's issues.

Disappointingly, people still manage to show their ignorance. There was an article today on Guardian Online entitled 'Recommit to Women's Liberation'. I may not completly agree with everything said in the article, or perhaps the way it is phrased, it does raise the issue that there are many attitudes and elements of today's society show gender bias, and outright sexism. The comments made about the article from men and women simply show how far we have to go to educate people and make people aware. I would welcome greater discussion and education on this for myself. For example, the fact that young children see 'Playboy' Bunny' merchandise as something that is completely acceptable with no true understanding of what it stands for, is incredibly worrying.

Many people's complaints to the article was that it ignores the plight of women around the globe where opression is rife. This is indeed a serious issue and needs to be understood and addressed by the public, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still fight for women's rights in this country too.

Ok rant over, but it is an important issue and these are my feelings (in brief) on it.

I welcome people's thoughts on this issue.
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