Wednesday 22 December 2010

a little break

Today was planned perfectly - I had dates, times and itineraries planned. However when I woke up late with snow and weather warnings afoot, it seemed that my plans would all go to waste. My chimney sweep was then an hour and a half late and I couldn't get out to visit relatives until Friday.

However, the friendly sweep set me a fire and whilst we were having a cup of tea, he told me he was struggling with databases, and I managed to pick up some work starting in January. I also received a leaflet for fresh local produce delivered directly to my door and they will do it before Christmas, so I've enlisted the aid of my dad in helping me pick up the rest of the Xmas food shopping this afternoon. I am then off to see a friend for a coffee and more friends for dinner.

I've taken the opportunity to sit and relax in the midst of the mania that is the run up to Christmas in front of my new fire looking at the snow out of the window, listening to Christmas music.

Christmas is here.


Thursday 23 September 2010


Tomorrow is the day where I finally get the keys to a lovely little Victorian terrace house. Alwi and I are currently living surrounded by boxes so whilst it will be sad to say goodbye to our little flat, it will be a relief to get somewhere bigger and unpack! Plus this time we have free reign to decorate how we would like. Already musing over different ideas for bedrooms and kitchen and have started collecting images for a moodboard.

Friday 3 September 2010

Fashion Books

Oooh, this book is on my wish list: Fashion Deisgner's Sketch Book by Hywel Davies. Read about it in the Guardian here, or at the publisher's site, here.

In other news, off to London tomorrow :)

Thursday 2 September 2010

Lanvin and H&M

Oh H&M never change. Never stop convincing these names to work with you. I'm going to act like it was Jimmy Choo all over again, I can feel it.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Ooohing and ahhing in Next

An unplanned shopping trip in Next revealed some fantastic pieces recently. To go with the fur boot trend, these boots are fantastic. In fact a lot of their shoes had me petting them frantically, much to the displeasure of the shop assistants. I swiftly moved on and spotted some fantastic bags, some fur, some fringed and my personal favourite, tapestry bags. I also backed accidentally into a stand when I spotted a fantastic pair of leather cropped gloves. Gosh, I must have these bad boys. I have nothing to wear them with, but I can create an outfit for them to go with, I'm sure!!!

Zara online

Very excited about the opening of the Zara online store tomorrow.  I always enjoy going into Zara as there is always something new in there. They only seem to stock limited items, which makes me wonder how they are going to cope with an online shop, but I guess we'll see. I fell in love with a perfect below the knee length tweed skirt in there today.

Also, has anyone else seen the new winter No.7 lipstick colour in Plum Rebel? Glorious. Gosh do a similar colour, but I've never really tried theirs in comparison to No.7 even if it is cheaper.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Jacket palooza

Hope a Happy Easter was had by all! Alwi and I celebrated by having a city-wide treasure hunt. Well less of a treasure hunt and more of a 'here's a list of fun things you have to find and take pictures of, so go find them and you could win a basket of chocolate' kind of treasure hunt. Still, fun was had by all.

The sun has shined for four days straight. It is beginning to make me susicious. The other weekend in London, still freezing cold temperatures, but with bright sunshine and the only ones who weren't stripped down to tshirts and shorts were those who obviosuly ahd never spent much time over in the British Isles, and were looking at as all askance. We take sunshine very seriously over here. Make the most of it, because that might have been the only summer we get this year!

However at least I get to dip into my spring wardrobe legitimately (the odd looks I've been getting by determinedly wearing spring shirts and jackets when it still frosts over at night have been interesting). It also makes me want to shop. Yes, I realise that I am late for the spring fashions, but I seem to have been turning into a hermit in recent months, with only a copy of Harpers Bazaar keeping me company.

Inspiring images:



Tuesday 6 April 2010

Layering jewellery

I've been going thorugh a phase where I seem to want to layer my jewellery. Rings, bracelets, necklaces: you name it, I'll layer it. It makes me aware that I really don't have enough jewellery (my three jewellery boxes tell me a different story). I can't afford a leather jacket, so maybe more jewellery would be a good way to punk it up?

These are my inspirations from (you can find their references under my user name)

Ruby and Millie

Being 'asprin white' as a friend has described me, it can be incredibly difficult to find a foundation/base pale enough to match your skin tone without making you look like Morticia Adams. There is also the danger that anything too yellow will make you look more orange than a TV presenter (I used to work at a shopping channel so I know what I'm talking about). I also hate the trowel approach, so I feel uncomfortble with wearing a heavy base for every day.

Enter Ruby and Millie Compact Base. Comes in a light enough shade even for my pasty skin, and with a light to medium coverage, it seems to be perfect. I've been wearing it today, and so far it's lasted until 4pm in the afternoon. I have high hopes.

Only one little problem. It only gives you a small amount. In an oddly shaped bag (completely useless, if you ask me), and a shiny case. So I see what their game is. Get you hooked on their ridiculously expensive product, then tease you with the small amounts. Cunning.

It's suprisingly shameless about it, too. Which I kind of like. My purse does not however. We shall see If I shall buy you again, you little tease, you.

Thursday 18 March 2010


I have a reputation when it comes to baking. A bad one. Even following the recipe precisely my cakes come out flat, my cookies hard, and my puddings too dry. So today I'm going to try baking shortbread. Only three ingredients and you're not supposed to touch it too much. They can't be that difficult, right?


To inspire me, I found some pretty cake pictures on weheartit


Tuesday 9 March 2010

International Women's Day

Yesterday was International Women's Day. The Million Women Rise, a march to end male violence against women, was held on Saturday the 6th. Lots of events were being held through Nottingham City, and it's amazing to see what people have being doing across the world to highlight women's issues.

Disappointingly, people still manage to show their ignorance. There was an article today on Guardian Online entitled 'Recommit to Women's Liberation'. I may not completly agree with everything said in the article, or perhaps the way it is phrased, it does raise the issue that there are many attitudes and elements of today's society show gender bias, and outright sexism. The comments made about the article from men and women simply show how far we have to go to educate people and make people aware. I would welcome greater discussion and education on this for myself. For example, the fact that young children see 'Playboy' Bunny' merchandise as something that is completely acceptable with no true understanding of what it stands for, is incredibly worrying.

Many people's complaints to the article was that it ignores the plight of women around the globe where opression is rife. This is indeed a serious issue and needs to be understood and addressed by the public, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't still fight for women's rights in this country too.

Ok rant over, but it is an important issue and these are my feelings (in brief) on it.

I welcome people's thoughts on this issue.

Thursday 25 February 2010

I am not a robot

Embracing my girly side today by spending the day lunching with Alwi, having my eyebrows waxed (ouch!!) and generally shopping.

Having been recommended the blog fatgirlslikeniceclothestoo, and feeling inspired by the confident woman who writes it, I have invested in straight legged jeans and this lovely nautical inspired dress from New Look:I feel excited to be wearing a dress and showing off some of my curves!

Am currently being very British, drinking tea from a pink spotty tea pot and listening to the debut album from Marina and the Diamonds, 'Family Jewels'. It's a strange mix of songs with a sort of impressive vocals of Regina Spektor, the catchiness of Katy Perry, but lyrical stylings of Kate Bush. I'm very excited. Favourite track so far is Mowgli's Road. Listen to clips on her website here.

As promised, here is a pretty picture of the ring gifted to me by Tinkerbella. It's a 1970s decoration set on a brass ring:

I could get used to being a lady of leisure. Sadly it's back to work Monday. However until then, Funmonkey will be joining us here in Nottingham for a visit, which means even more shopping (a small fortune will no doubt be spent in MAC, a tradition for us now. I have my eye on the prep + prime finishing powder), and lots of drinks and general fabulousness. We have a friendship based on shared geekdom tendencies, and will probably spend far too much time waxing lyrical about Joss Whedon whilst trying on sunglasses. Here is what we plan on doing:

1. Drinking at the Ropewalk
2. Shopping for far too long
3. Gossiping at Lee Rosy's tea rooms
4. Eating wonderful Thai food at Tarn Thai
5. Dancing the night away at the Rescue Rooms, or possibly spending time at the Maltcross listening to the Wholesome Fish

Can't wait!

Wednesday 24 February 2010


Went to visit a friend (one part of Tinkerbella and the Tailor) last night who lives in Sherwood. Got quite excited when I saw the house and imagined myself moving to a place that large (and cheap. It means that I get to buy more shoes, after all). All in all a good night, we:

1. Sorted out lighting for some stock shots of her vintage jewellery,
2. I was gifted a piece of that lovely jewellery, a pretty 1970's flower ring (picture to come, but I am on my lunch break at work, so probably considered inappropriate!)
3.Was introduced to the best (subjective, I realise) vintage shop from the outside, which I must come back to see when it is actually open, and
4. Saw someone smash in somebody's window on the street, complete with shady black outfit and crowbar.

Maybe moving to Sherwood will be put on hold for a while.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Cold, cold, cold

It's started to snow here again., so all I can think of is this:

and this...
(found on

Sunday 21 February 2010

Pitfalls of social networking

When did Facebook become some people's primary method of communication? Finally agreed to meet Akido man for a coffee today. Twenty minutes later I concluded that he wasn't going to turn up. It was bad enough that I had been stood up, but when I got home and checked my emails (the only way I know what is happening on facebook is through the notifications that go into my junk box), I find that he had left me a message saying that he had a crazy night out last night and couldn't make it.

Firstly it's a flimsy excuse, but secondly it's really sad that when you have my number, you think a facebook message is enough to cancel a meeting?

Needless to say that I won't be accepting any more 'messages' from him.

So to tame my anger, I promptly went out and bought some cute biker boots and these fab earrings from my favourite jewellery shop, 23 George Street:

Boots and earrings will look ace teamed with leggings, a floaty floral print dress and a see through jumper cinched in with a belt. Talk about dichotomy.

Some more pictures with fashioney themes to cheer me up found through

Saturday 20 February 2010

More fun than a barrel of monkeys

Met up with K and our parents today, and randomly on the way I spotted this right in the middle of all the square stones in Trinity Square, a large paved area in Nottingham:
And people say you should walk with your head up...

Spent the afternoon in the craft part of our living room with a pile of brightly coloured felt whilst singing my heart out to Lily Allen and Marina and the Diamonds (I have to buy the debut album when it comes out in a few days). Not sure if they are the right feel for the shuffle, but I shall run them past my partner in crime, Alwi, to see if I can do anything with them. I kind of want the heart one as a necklace.Still debating if I should meet Akido Man for coffee tomorrow. After months of radio silence (we met once so I really didn't expect a call), he suddenly out of the blue, decided to get in contact. I suppose coffee won't hurt, but seems a little bit odd to wait all that time... Well I guess there is only one way to find out.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Things to do today to keep me sane

1. Create an inspiring playlist to get me motivated
2. Play with fabrics to make headbands for the Shuffle
3. Find images to put in a frame for my living room
4. Find a pretty box to keep my finished projects in. Paperchase pretty
5. Write an actual blog post, not a to do list.

I rather like my to do list. It feels like an inspiring list. So to follow some images found on which made me smile.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Bad outfit day

Ever had one of those days when you crawl out of bed tired and don't pay too much attention to what you are wearing? And by the time you are on your second cup of coffee and look in a mirror you find yourself wishing you had paid a little more attention before you left the house this morning?

Today is one of those days, and inevitably I have had to spend today so far running around and meeting with various colleagues. I can practically feel my stack of Harpers and Vogues back at the house sending me the evil eye. Or possibly a disdainful look. I feel that they are more of a judging type of magazine than an evil spirits type magazine.

One day, I may be able to convince someone that I am a professional. Alas, today is not that day.


Saturday 13 February 2010

Hearts and chocolates, I suppose

I'm sitting in a pub waiting for Alwi and K to come back form getting Alwi's nose pierced and musing on the conversation we were having earlier.

Alwi has always believed in Valentine's day, and has spent many a day setting up elaborate breakfasts in bed, roses and romantic dinners. She always likes a chance to spoil and get spoiled in return. Until this year. This year she has been spending time with a younger man from her old workplace, Harry, who despite both of their efforts, has not become anything more to her that a casual friend. She had also recently heard the news that her ex, the man that she lived with for four years until he cheated on her, has proposed to the woman he had an affair with. This year, she is determined that her valentines day will be one filled with blood, gore and pretty but brainless men in horror movies.

K, on the other hand is in a new relationship, but takes the other approach: avoid valentines completely. Sadly her new man doesn't have the same approach and is terribly excited about having a girlfriend this year. Begrudgingly and with much complaining, K finally plumped on a card that was simple and sweet without being gushingly romantic.

I on the other hand have always been remarkable apathetic about valentines, but then I have never been in a relationship around valentines day (which says something about my staying power in relationships), and our conversation has me wondering. Why do we allow valentines day to have such a big impact upon our lives? It makes us miserable whether or not we are in a relationship. With pressure in the guise of romance, we are supposed to have an opinion on the day, and if we are single, we are branded as a cynic if we express any doubt at this holiday.

I suppose the question is if I would feel differently if I was in a relationship, and I suppose there is only one way to find out. Until then, I will teach K how to make chocolate truffles for her new man, and I will entertain Alwi with 'My Bloody Valentine' (starring the lovely Jensen Ackles) and chocolate.

Meanwhile I shall stay sitting on the fence.

Friday 12 February 2010

Em introduced me to Models Own, an online make up store by buying me three nail polishes and an eyeshadow The colours are perfect. A cute baby yellow (anyone who knows me, knows that the words cute and yellow practically never come out in the same sentence, so this is a heavy endorsement), a nude beige and a lovely gothy navy blue. The 'nude beige' is practically an exact replica of the chanel one Ive had my eyes on for so long. Pretty neat coverage too; perfect for someone like me who smudges her nail polish like there is no tomorrow!

Haven't tried the lovely navy eyeshadow with gold flecks yet, but I'm sure I will find an occasion soon to try it out. If not, pah! I shall wear it to work anyway!!


Alexander McQueen

My love to your family and friends.

Thursday 11 February 2010

You're so vain....

Exciting new haircut!! For me, at least. From the shoudler length bob, I've now gone very textured much shorter bob with a funky choppy fringe and sides.

I've had comments all week that make me preen, adn have already spent a fortune on keeping my naturally curly hair straight in this wonter weather. Bad timing, excellent cut, methinks!

That was hard work. Maybe you should take a nap

Went out to partake in Orange Wednesday, yesterday (hate the ads, but love the deal). Spent half an hour in the queue complaining to Alwi that I would not see anything with Mel Gibson in it. I ended up seeing the Edge of Darkness, starring Mel Gibson.

Interesting, if overdone, premise; homicide detective's (Gibson) daughter is shot dead at home in a suspected revenge attack against her father, gone wrong. Our plucky hero however knows there is something more to where her daughter works and uncovers dastardly corporate dealings.

However the execution was dull and uninspiring. It did have me laughing at several points, but for reasons of my own, not a plot point (seriously, what did you expect me to do when you follow up a big violent and threatening scene with Gibson threatening a lawyer, with a scene of him taking a nap? Apparently all that threatening had just taken it out of him).

And I think that's enough of the rambling complaints, for now.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Holga Holga Holga

Apparently I am taking a ride on the bandwagon with the rest of the sheep. I enjoy photography. One of my jobs is working for a photographer (the business side yes, not the photography side sadly) so I'm familiar with great photography. And despite the fact that the Holga is a plastic camera with faults that the big camera companies spend ridiculuously high amounts of money to fix these problems in their own cameras, I still want one.

I fell in love with them when reading the rockstar diaries blog and loving the wonderfully fun and colourful pictures they post (both camera and blog recommended to me by Tinkerbella, ta muchly).

The effects are fun and frivolous. Gives you a very, days gone by, kind of feel. Plus they're only £15 on ebay.

Sunday 24 January 2010

These boots are made for walking

Opening up this months edition of Elle and I cme face to face with this advert for Giuseppe Zanotti

I’m not sure what this advert is supposed to suggest. An attractive (arguably, because I prefer my men less spray tanned) man who is suggestively unlacing a woman’s shoe perhaps aims for the ‘sex sells’ route. However as she seems to be walking over him, are they suggesting a crude attempt at female empowerment? Or the fact that he has a hold of her ankle which suggests male control? Or I could be reading too much into it, and the simply want to say, ‘Our shoes are so sexy that you will float on air.’ Apparently you will float high enough to brain some unsuspecting sod attempting to walk down the street, perhaps simply going to buy a coffee, minding his own business. In which case, no wonder he has grabbed her by the ankle and is attempting to remove the pain in the arse’s shoes.

I should stop trying to understand fashion adverts. They’ve gone the way of perfume ads.
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